A few of my favorite photographs from my time on Red Mountain. I hope these visuals enhance your reading experience as you jump into the stories of The Red Mountain Chronicles. Revisiting these shots sure does make me miss out there. I wonder what Margot and Otis are up to…
(Click to enlarge the image)

11 Responses
I thought about the actors for your book…
Otis – Sam Elliot
Joan – Jamie Lee Curtis
Jake – Keith Urban
Carmen – Nicole Kidman
Aunt Morgan – Lily Tomlin
Margot – June Diane Raphael (Grace & Frankie)
Abby – Mila Kunis
Remi – Antonio Banderas
Brooks & Shay – Ashton Kutcher & Brad Pitt
Adrianna- Alexis Bladel (Rory Gilmore Girls)
Jasper – Iain Armitage (Young Sheldon)
Emilia – Aubrey Francis Anderson (Modern Family)
I love these so much!
That’s a really fun idea!
Your pictures are beautiful. I l grew up on a farm SE of Kennewick. Your photos reflect the beauty I see in the lower Columbia Basin.
I absolutely loved the books and would love to see them in film. Kevin Costner would be my first choice as I believe he has already howled at the moon! ( “Dances With Wolves”) He may be tied up with current projects though as would my second choice Sam Elliott who may be a bit old for the part. Pierce Brosnan could definitely play Otis if he could get more grumbly and much less refined! It would be very easy for someone to fall in love with him no matter how cantankerous!
Hahaha what you said about Pierce! So true, so so true! He’s my favorite. Has been since Remington Steele.
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I said that so I had to come back and correct it. I am old, give me a break lol but Benicio Del Toro is my favorite actor of all time. With Pierce as a close second.
These pictures are amazing! They make me want to re-read the series!
Harrison Ford as Otis! You’re welcome.😊
Thanks for the pictures. I hope you get a movie deal. It needs to start with the Marriage Book to understand the whys and wherefores.
I enjoyed all of the mountain books, although I have to tell you, being from Colorado, those pictures do NOT show mountains, more like foothills. But then Red Foothills doesn’t have much of a ring.
Keep up the good writing for our reading enjoyment. Cheers from Nashville.
These are great! Have you entertained the thought of writing a book with the cover as the starting point for your inspiration? The picture of you on the horse is just begging to be a book cover, could easily change the background to match any setting. :-).