Book Club Questions
1. How did you feel about the collaboration between Boo and Peggy? Have you ever read such a book?
2. Were you able to detect where Boo took over? If so, how would you compare the two styles?
3. Did you notice there was an unfinished book (Frank’s medical treatise) inside an unfinished book that was
completed because of An Unfinished Story?
4. Were there any story questions left lingering?
5. Catherine turns her life on a dime when she meets Frank, and then again after her suicide attempt. Do you think people are able to make such radical changes? How?
6. What could have caused Miriam to be the way she is?
7. Detective Jones crosses a big line when he gives in and sleeps with Sylvie. What was your reaction?
8. What do you think of Sandy’s arrangement with Frank in medical school? Was it ethical? Do you think this ever happens in real life?
9. Is Glenna in love with Sandy? Why is she so devoted to him?
10. Is it more than guilt that makes Miriam stay with David? Do they love each other? Discuss.
11. What makes Detective Jones take the high ground when he discovers his love may be the murderer?
12. Halfway through the book, who did you think did it? Did you figure out who killed Frank before the reveal?
13. If Frank noticed the resemblance in Amber at a glance, do you think that the other islanders would have noticed it too? Have you ever met someone who reminded you of someone else? What was your experience?
14. How do you feel about Sylvie’s life at the conclusion of the book?
15. How did you feel about Catherine’s ending? Did you want more from her?
16. How would you compare this novel to that of a classic mystery?
17. Was there a love in your life who got away?