My Inspiration for The Stars Don’t Lie
This novel is deeply personal. Can I tell you why? About ten years ago, I had the great pleasure of connecting with the fabulous author,

Thank You, Soldiers
A while back, my wife and I were in Hood River, Oregon sitting on the back deck of the Big Horse Brew Pub trying to

Always Be Therapizing
I have an addiction to self-help books. In fact, I probably need a self-help book about my addiction. Honestly, I don’t see how any of

UFOs in a Glass, a.k.a. Defining Natural Wine
No one has done it yet. Not really. No one has laid down the law on the true definition of natural wine. Even dipping into

Make the Next One Better
A friend from my Charleston days contacted me recently. He’s not only a friend. A mentor, really. He’s the guy I run my big questions

Life’s Brevity
I’m currently taking a course from master marketer, Seth Godin, and one of the assignments was to answer the question: What would you change about

Rules for Attending a Wine Festival
After years of working behind the table at wine festivals around the world, you notice some things. So here’s your insider’s guide to behaving like

Maybe the Best Book I’ve Ever Read…
What’s the best book you’ve ever read? When did you realize it? One page in or halfway through? And honestly, with so many out there,

Why Do Asians Wear Surgical Masks?
Konnichiwa from Osaka! Every time I come to Asia, I find myself once again curious about the surgical masks. We all might know the obvious reasons,

What If You Sent Someone Flowers Today?
Or bought the next person in line at the barbershop or salon their cut? Or paid for a few people behind you in the toll