Books I Love
As I abandon my physical library for a more minimalist approach to life, I’ve missed seeing my favorite books on the shelf. Seeing the spines

The Night I Nearly Died
I almost died this week… Mikella and I made the bold decision to chaperone a night-skiing trip that Riggs’s school puts on weekly during the

Relentlessness, Otis, and the Batman Signal
I’m about a third through the first draft of my new novel, A SPANISH SUNRISE, and things are coming alive in my head. Today, I

A Different Kind of 9/11 Story
A note to anyone struggling right now… Like so many of you, my whole world changed the day the towers fell. Not in the way

You Know What I Miss? Restaurants.
You know what I miss? Restaurants. Long amazing lunches and dinners with my wife where we can reconnect as a couple over a glorious bottle

What COVID-19 Has Taught Me
As this pandemic began to mess with my life, I first took a rather selfish stance. My concerns went to my immediate family. How will

Words to Turn Your Day Around
I’ve written before about Leila Meacham, who has been a huge inspiration to me over the years. Today, I want to pass along more of

Do What You Love vs. Love What You Do
What is it about the post-baby-boomer generations who struggle so with having to work for a living, especially having to work a job one doesn’t

Book Club Questions – Red Mountain
Who is your favorite character? Who is your least favorite character? Who would you cast as the main characters in the movie of Red Mountain?

I want to share a quick story, and it has to do with my own life, but I tell it in hopes that my words

Digging Deep
Cheers from 35,003 feet up in the Delta sky. I’m headed home from Las Vegas and had the great fortune of running into one of